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SRA Diversity Data

As part of our obligation to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) we are required as a regulated firm (regardless of size), to collect, report and publish data about the diversity make-up of our workforce every two years.

We collect this data from our employees and consultants working at our firm through the completion of a diversity questionnaire, for which we submit the results directly to the SRA as part of our compliance procedures. Although we must give individuals an opportunity to respond, we cannot compel anyone to provide their diversity information.

The results of this diversity questionaire are made available to staff and externally. Most firms will choose to publish the data on their website, but alternative or additional publication methods such as a poster in an office reception area and/or meeting room, or an article in an internal or external newsletter/bulletin is often sufficient.

Please click here if you would like to view our firms most recent diversity data 2023.